Building Control nationally is going through a period of change, both private and public sector.

From the 1st October 2023, the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) will be the governing body for Building Control. New legislation has been introduced and existing legislation amended to reflect the changes.

Included in the changes is the introduction of dutyholder roles in building regulations for all projects – Client, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor. Each dutyholder has defined roles and responsibilities and all dutyholders must be aware of their specific roles and responsibilities. The key duties are “duty to ensure compliance”, “duty to be competent” and “duty to cooperate, coordinate and communicate”.

The roles and responsibilities for all dutyholder roles are set out in Regulations 11A – 11Q of The Building Regulations 2010 and Regulation 16D and 16E of The Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2010.

There is also a requirement for dutyholders to provide compliance declarations to building control at the end of a project before a final certificate can be issued.

In addition, all building control surveyors will need to become “Registered Building Inspectors” and all building control bodies will need to become “Registered Building Control Approvers” by April 2024, through competency assessment and approval by the HSE. At Turton Building Control we are fully committed to achieving this and all our surveyors are already progressing through the Chartered Association of Building Engineers Competency Assessment Scheme.

With the advent of greater responsibility for all parties involved in the construction process, we believe it is now more important than ever that clients, contractors and designers have the assurance that the building regulation process is being administered and overseen correctly and effectively.

As well as legislation changes, Building Regulations become more and more complex. We believe there is only one way of doing a job and that is doing it right. This brings its own challenge in ensuring that all parties are aware of issues at an early stage and we have introduced new procedures to ensure projects run smoothly and all parties are aware of any issues at the earliest opportunity.

We will always support and advise our customers to the best of our ability on ways that they may achieve compliance and are available all day every working day for advice and guidance.

The new building control regime brings with it its own challenges, however at Turton Building Control we are ready to face these head on for the benefit of our customers and to ensure projects run smoothly, efficiently and, above all, with compliance at the forefront.

Please feel free to contact us and we will try to assist as much as we can.