Links and Downloads
See below a list of useful links and downloads for your information and use.
> The Building Safety Act 2022
> The Building Regulations etc. (England) Regulations 2010
> The Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2010
Click here to view a list of the Approved Documents which provide guidance on ways to meet the above Regulations.
Did you know?
The Building Safety Regulator (BSR) will oversee the safety and performance of all buildings, as well as having a special focus on high-rise buildings. It will promote competence and organisational capability within the sector including for building control professionals and tradespeople. To find out more please click here.
As part of this overhaul of Building Control there are major changes not only for the registration of Building Control Bodies and Inspectors but also changers in the roles of Duty holders, which includes clients, designers and contractors. Please see link to information regarding, duty holder roles and responsibilities, commencement and completion procedures and also information with regards to the process of registration for High Risk Buildings here > ABCA – Duty Holders <
Turton Building Control have developed a handy document which provides details on these changes and what is expected of the new dutyholders. This can be found here. If you would like us to attend your premises to have a chat about the new regime, please do not hesitate to contact us.